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Berkeley-Quality ESL for Intermediate to Advanced Students

UC Berkeley Extension's Intensive Academic English Program (IAEP) provides tailored instruction in university-level English to develop skills in reading, speaking, listening and academic writing. More than a traditional English-as-a-second-language (ESL) curriculum, IAEP combines Berkeley-quality instruction with cultural, social and academic orientation to life and study in the United States.

Start with a minimum three-session commitment (each session is approximately four weeks), and stay as long as you need to become proficient. On-site placement exams ensure you start in the instruction level appropriate for your skills. After each session, oral and written exams demonstrate your readiness to advance to the next instruction level. Experienced instructors and staff make certain that you achieve proficiency through supportive, individualized attention—at whatever pace is right for you.

IAEP offers six levels of intermediate to advanced English language instruction. No matter which level you start in, advancing to the next level of instruction earns you an Award of Completion. Upon completion of the sixth level, you receive an Award of Proficiency. Both awards signify the successful completion of a high-caliber, in-depth sequence of courses.

All students age 18 and older with intermediate to advanced English skills are encouraged to apply.

Rigorous Instruction in University-Level English

  • Minimum three-session commitment, with full program length tailored to your needs
  • Ongoing admissions throughout the year
  • Small personalized classes located in downtown San Francisco
  • Highly experienced, caring instructors and staff members
  • Multiple instruction levels for varying degrees of proficiency
  • On-site placement exams to determine appropriate instruction level
  • 20 class hours per week (four hours per day, five days per week)
  • Award of Proficiency granted at successful completion of highest instruction level
Sample Daily IAEP Schedule
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9–11 am Speaking and listening Speaking and listening Speaking and listening Speaking and listening Speaking and listening
11 am–
1 pm
Reading and writing Reading and writing Reading and writing Reading and writing Reading and writing
1–2 pm Break Break Break Break Break
2–5 pm Optional elective courses* Optional elective courses* Optional elective courses* Optional elective courses* Optional elective courses*

*Please note that optional elective courses are not included in the IAEP program fee; these courses will incur additional costs.

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